Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, June 24, 2019

*Menu Plan Menu*

I am so glad you could join me, in my weekly meal plan.  If you have a meal plan made, please share it with me :)

First of all, this week will be kind of wonky in the meal plan category.  My daughter turns 18 on Saturday, so there is a lot going on as in eating out.  So this week will be different than a usual meal plan.

 Weekly Menu Plan:

In No particular order and it can change at any time--this is just a base!

*(All dinners are served with a fresh green salad and steamed veggies of some sort---I also like to include a starch and a dinner roll of some kind---of course with the exception of certain meals like tacos)

Street Tacos

Chicken Breasts
Steamed Rice

Pasta Bake
Garlic Biscuits

Thursday will be dinner out
Friday will be dinner out 

Saturday will be dinner out
Sunday TBD*

I know this menu is quite different than my usual menu plans, but it will all make sense at the end of the week...I will, of course, add video and pictures of all the dinners.
You only turn 18 once, right???!!!

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