Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Quick Weekend.....

Guess where I went last weekend???
I went to visit my Dad.....and it was wonderful!
My father is my rock and so, so, so special to me.
So for my birthday, which is July 24th, my husband, my dear husband bought me an early birthday present with a trip to CALFORNIA.
It had to be quick...just the weekend.

It was such a special trip, my father and I talked about so many things.  I listened to stories of his youth and learned some things about my father I had never known.  I will treasure this visit for as long as I live.
…...and yes, my husband is another rock in my life too :)

I inserted some photos for my blog.  My father does not do social media so I am leaving his photos off....I took a bunch for my photo album for my memories.

Have a glorious evening!

Dinner tonight was hamburgers and french fries...nice summer time dinner :)



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