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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Running on Sunshine

When my very first baby was born, oh so many years ago...sometimes feels like yesterday,,,,I would put Tony in his stroller and walk...I walked all over our little beach town.  I walked so much people recognized me when I was out at other places..LOL    I really enjoyed those days, life was so simpler then.  It is funny, I didn't realize it until now.  What I thought was hard, was actually easy.  My love for those long walks did not stop with Tony...I did it with all my children.  Now that my children are all either grown up or in love for walking has turned to running.  I run, and I run a lot!!!!  I run so much, my husband got me these running shoes for Christmas.  One of my very favorite gifts of all times.  I put my earbuds in and turn on a favorite youtuber and run.....I may not be good, I may not be fast...but it is my journey, and I love it!!!!  It helps so much with my anxiety of sending Kevin to school.  That is so hard to overcome...but with each new day it does get easier :)  

1 comment:

  1. Stroller walking will always be one of my fondest memories with my babies. We did it day in day out. Even after we moved to CO and the snow was all around. I bundled my baby up and off we went. I knew which parks got the best sun, which side of the sidewalk to avoid -- lol!! I miss those days, even with the lack of sleep that came along with it.

    I'm so glad you have your running, Julieann. Physical activity, especially outdoors, is so good for dealing with stress. Best wishes!



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