Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday...December 29th, 2014 :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  Our Christmas was lovely :)
My son asked for a Fedora for a fedora is was he got...LOL.  They sell child's Fedora's at Sears, who knew?

It was so nice having everyone here and I am so happy Tony is back..You know what they say, "Home is where the heart is".  Tony told me that home is where I am.

 Here is a picture of Jesus's birthday cake :)
 Here is our tree in the great room.  I also have a tree in the dining room and on the upper level...I just love the lights.  As you can see Santa came, he was very good to us!

I have some very exciting news is something my husband and I, especially me have wanted for years...but with his work it was not able to happen.  I will get more into that in another post....and no, I am not pregnant ;)

The kids are home for another week..woohoo!
The weather is wonderful, and I just adore the seasons.  This is the place I want to stay forever!

I am putting away a bunch of things...I will leave the tree and wreaths up a little while longer but everything else is being put away.  I am putting the mounds of tissue paper neatly in another box and putting all the gift boxes in a box, too...for next year.  I can never have enough boxes and tissue paper!

For dinner, I am thinking pork...something different from all the holiday food....with cheesy potatoes...YUM!
...and juicing, yes I am still is a very good thing to me, it keeps you thin and healthy!

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