Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Happy Thursday!!
It is cold!!!
I have a cold still, and the worst of it is in the morning when I am waking up.  Getting out of the warm bed and feeling awful.  After I get up and my blood starts flowing, and I brush my teeth...and sneeze a bit, I feel better!  It isn't that bad, it is just annoying...LOL...I am not good at resting, I have a million things running through my head that need to get done!  I do juice, and I do add lots of garlic and oranges, but I still caught this cold. Juicing is a wonderful thing, it really does keep my slender....I also think the older I get my metabolism has gone on over drive....I don't know.
I am putting a roast in the crock pot...a Pork Roast...I was asked how I make it......I put the roast in the crockpot, add potatoes, peeled and cubed, put a pack of onion soup over it and let it cook all day :)  Pork Roasts don't seem to produce as much juice as beef roasts so I do add water to it......

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