Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Our wedding anniversary was August 9th, and this is what my dear husband gave me.  Isn't it just beautiful :)  I love my birdys.

I woke up this morning at 6, and got right up.  I had to be out the door by 7:15, to be able to get Little Kevin to school on time.  The bell rings at 8:00, but Wednesday traffic is really busy.  Wednesday is Chik-Fil-A day at all the schools and also the highschool has something that goes on early that morning, so it is always an early drive to get Kevin to school on time.  I only live 10 minutes from the school, but the whole trip takes me about an hour.  I have to drive these old country winding roads.  It is a really nice drive, we see horses and cows and old barns.  Then we come upon the schools, they are all together, the highschool, middle school and elementary.  Sickness has been going through our home, and Sissy got it last.  She had a report to do for science, remember doing the shoebox project?...LOL.  Anyway, I got home from taking Kevin and got right back in the car to take Sissy...then I got home again and she had forgotten a part of her report on the table, so I got back in the car to take it to her.  What a busy morning.  One that I savor, because I know all these chaotic mornings will be gone sooo fast.  They grow up so fast! Oh, Sissy's school and Kevin's school start at different times, so I can not take them at the same time, even though they are right next to eachother.  My SIL is home with Sissy while I am taking Kevin, so she is never here alone.

Tonight Sissy has dance class, and she is not feeling really great, so we shall see if she will go.  Wednesday and Thursday's are long days for me, Her dance class doesn't finish until 8:45 on Thursdays, so my day doesn't end until about 9:00.  I made chicken last night, and have a bunch left, so I am going to make some sort of chicken dish for dinner tonight.

I went to Goodwill over the weekend and bought every fitted and flat sheet I could find...LOL.  I washed them and they are all so nice and clean now.  I needed more sheets, because I have a lot of beds to change and this will help me in the turnover, and it was frugal! 
We also went bowling this weekend, it was sooooo much fun.  Little Kevin was so cute.  I also didn't realize Tony was such a good bowler.  I did do a strike once...LOL   FUN!

Anyway, have a wonderfully blessed day.  It is raining right now, so I will have a cup of coffee and start my housework!


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