Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Front Porch Restaurant!

 We went to eat at this restaurant, called the "Front Porch" Southern Dining :)  It was one of the most wonderful restaurants I have ever been too.  It feels like you are eating dinner at home, but with none of the work.  The people that own it, are just so nice and welcoming.  The food, the food is FANTASTIC!!!!!  Check out their facebook page.  Even if you aren't close enough to go there, they post their menu's daily and it gives lots of ideas of what to cook at home...LOL

1 comment:

  1. I love places like that. So glad you had a nice meal. I will definitely look at their menus. My meal planning is getting in a rut, and we all need a change around here.



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