Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, May 06, 2013

Bread Machine!

My ever faithful, hard working bread machine broke this morning :(  Oh, it made me sad.  I have had it for so long.  It was one of my favorite gifts that my husband had given me, my very favorite is a home made birthday card he made :)

These rolls you see pictured I made by hand without the machine this morning.
I am going to have to do some research on bread machine's....Any suggestions?
I have a Betty Crocker, but it is about 10 years old.  If I could find that same one, new, I would...LOL...

In this house we have 6 bedrooms, my daughter has decided she wanted the other bedroom, the one I said she should take when we first moved in...LOL.  So I have been working getting everything switched over.  Clothes, an abundance of clothes she has.  I have been going through her clothes, she has outgrown things she only wore one or two times....

Remember "TopSider" shoes?
Well, they are back and Alexis got a pair...LOL.
Oh, I wanted a pair when I was a young girl....My grandparents never bought brand names, so I had a knockoff pair, I loved them, but the kids at school were cruel and teased me for having a "fake" pair....

I hope you are all having a wonderful Monday, it is rainy and cool today :)


  1. Julieann, I recently bought a new bread machine. In a bit, I'll comment again with the name and model.

    I've only used it for one recipe, but it is pretty good. The machine got good reviews.


  2. Oh!! Thank you, Jenny. I would love to hear about what you got :)

  3. Oster CKSTBRTW20 2-Pound Expressbake Breadmaker, White

    My husband bought it for me from Amazon. I've only ever made the 1.5 lb loaf half white/half wheat bread. It works well and is easy to clean. The tops of my loaves always sink in a bit, but that happened with my old breadmaker, too. I think it has to do with the altitude here in CO.

    Good luck finding one.

    Also, regarding the generic top siders, my granny always bought us generic things, too. I'm sorry you were teased about it. That hurts.



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