Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hello there!
It was a sunny but cold day today, no sundresses or flip flops today:)

Today was my errand day.
I went to Walmart and Publix....and got Kevin Subway for lunch.

Kevin had tried this at Walmart as a sample and really liked it.  They did not have any of these packs when I went to Publix I picked a pack up.  They are about $2.00

I have to say, it tastes really good....I picked some mushrooms out to taste.

This is what the finished product looks like.  I bought some skinless, boneless chicken breasts and cut them in cubes.  Cooked them and than added the sauce...easy!
I served it on rice, along with peas and a salad.

Tomorrow, I will be doing some housework.
I have to get the house ready for Easter :)

We will be having a ham dinner.
I bought lots of eggs for the kids to dye too....

Have a great evening

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