Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, March 18, 2013


Good Monday Morning!
This morning I took my daughter to school, and these trees were all in bloom all over the neighborhood.  This photo does not do it justice, they are so beautiful!

It is supposed to rain today, so I am going to clean and organize both fridges.  I wanted to do it this weekend, but never got a chance.

Happy Monday to you all


Oh, and for tonight's dinner, I took out some Cornish Hens.


  1. That looks so pretty. All we have here in Colorado are crocuses and plants like that. I'm very happy to see them, but long for the pretty blossoms on the trees. Enjoy this fleeting season!


  2. They look beautiful but try smelling them. They smell like rotting meat to attract a certain type of fly.


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