Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Happy Sunday!

Here is a peek at our weather this week :)

I brought my ferns inside, so they stay nice and happy....I don't want them freezing.

You all know, I collect cows, and I share them here every so often.  Here is my little cow sewing with her little sewing machine.  She sits on my dresser. I had left it behind here in Georgia the last time I lived here, and I am so grateful my SIL saved it for me....isn't she darling!

I also recieved my Better Homes and Garden Magazine this week.  So many magazines so little time...LOL......

Anything with Avocados has to be good, and you all know how much I love my salads :)

For dinner tonight we had baked chicken, steamed rice, lima beans and a salad :)

Can you believe Easter is right around the corner? 
Also, our one year anniversary moving to Georgia is this week, WoW!!! I will have to look back on my blog to see the exact dates when we left Cali and arrived in Georgia. 

That was fast.......

Have a wonderful evening


  1. Hi Julieann!!!
    I haven't been reading blogs for a while and just noticed that your home looks different. Then I noticed it says Acworth. Y'all moved?? We did, too! We're back in Atlanta!!

    Email me at theups 1 @ gmail dot com. I'd love to meet you after all these years!!

    (Mrs U)

  2. Hi, Mrs. U!! It is so nice to hear from you:) We are neighbors, how amazing is that...LOL.....

    We will have to get together soon, now that we are close :)

    I just love it here, and we will be here a year this week.....

    How are you enjoying Atlanta?

    XO XO


    I will email you, too (((Hugs)))

  3. We never dreamed we'd be living back here again! We both grew up here, so we have family much closer than we did before!

    I am sure this is a huge change from California!!

    Have you started using "y'all" yet?


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me