Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Happy Tuesday!
50 degrees outside right now :)

I had my camera in the kitchen with me, but can you believe, I kept forgetting to snap pictures of my dinners...OOPS!

This one dinner we had that I did remember to take a picture of.  I took fresh broccoli and mushrooms and sauteed them in butter with a little salt and pepper.  I did blanch the broccoli first for a bout 5 minutes.

Along with the veggies, I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes  with mushroom gravy.  I also served it with a fresh green salad (of course..LOL)

We also had grilled steak and grilled corn and asparagus one night.  Baked chicken with carrots, we ate out one night, and I can't remember the rest...brain freeze...LOL....

Also, I am on facebook daily...if you are a frequent reader, friend me and we can keep in touch on facebook....sometimes it is easier to make a post there than it is here.

I love my blog and I will always write here, I want one day for my kids to be able to have this.  I would have loved to have something like this from my mother.....I so wish I had known her better!  Her birthday was this past week, and I hope she celebrated in heaven:)


I have lots to do today.  We played a lot this weekend, so now, I have to get some things done around the house :)  I got a new cover for my ironing board, YaY!!  I also got some more yarn, I am determined to finish that afghan I am making.

The weather here has been lovely, and I love seeing how all the houses in the neighborhood decorated for Fall, beautiful!

Have a great day !!

Time for some Pumpkin Spice coffee..YaY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your dinner menus with us. The pics always look delicious. Not being much of a cook myself, I appreciate the little tips and details you provide.


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