Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Thursday :)

Fresh Green Beans :)

Clean the beans and snap the ends off

 Boil in water for 3-5 minutes, I did 4 minutes, a happy middle..LOL

 Get your ice bath ready while they boil

After 4 minutes, put the beans in the ice bath to halt the cooking:)

 In a skillet melt some butter

 Add the beans and I used salt and pepper to season:) Cook for a few minutes, not too long....taste them to see if they are done to your liking.....
..a little garlic would probably be good too

 I served the beans with pork chops

 a salad

 I also boiled some eggs to crumble on the salad, along with some tomatoes and cheese:)

I also served it with augratin potatoes, the picture didn't come out that great..but the potatoes were good :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Everything looks sooo good. Thanks for sharing how you cooked the green beans.


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