Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday :)

I did some shopping on Friday.
 I was going to put this post up earlier, but I didn't get a chance.  I did a small grocery trip on Friday.  I wanted to show you my shopping bags :)  I use my own.
 Do you see my creamer??  Publix only carries the small sizes of the holiday creamer....Walmart has the big ones.  I do my small shopping at Publix and my big shopping at Walmart and Costco.  Lots of veggies.  Dog food, and some Pringles......I also needed some more coffee...I drink A LOT of coffee.
 I had a very busy weekend......
I went shopping for my Step daughter, for her baby shower, which was on Sunday.  Very nice Baby Shower......I wanted to buy everything I saw at the store for the baby...LOL.

I am also oragnizing my closet....Remember my closet....I have never in my life seen a closet as big as this...LOL. My closet here is bigger than my first apartment.  So I am really trying to oraganize it and make it look nice.  There is no reason for anything to be smooshed anywhere, there is lots of room.

On Sunday, I cooked a roast in the crockpot.....Saturday we had Grilled London Broil, aspargus and butter beans....on Friday I made breaded pork and chicken strips with fried rice..and I made salads to go with my dinners :)

My husband took charge of the pumpkin carving...YaY!  The kids helped of course.

It is very cold and windy here, it is 45 degrees right now as I type, brrrrrr.

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