It is the middle of the week, and I can already feel the change in the weather. The mornings are starting to be cool, with warm afternoons. The humidity has lightened up a lot. At night you can hear the symphony of all the bugs and frogs at night. Fall is coming and I am so thrilled to be able to enjoy it here in Georgia. It sometimes seems surreal to me when I look at the map and see where I was and see where I am now. Never in my dreams when I was younger did I think Georgia was a place I would end up...LOL. I love Cali, don't get me wrong, it will always have a very special place in my heart and it is missed by all of us.....BUT, we do love it here so much.
I made extra chicken last night for dinner, so I would have some leftovers for tonight's dinner, I am going to make the famous Chicken Bwak-Bwak....It is a simple dish of shredded chicken and egg noodles..simple but very good.
I also picked up some hamhocks, so I am going to soak some beans for tomorrows dinner and add the hamhocks for flavor.
I bought some big Ball Jars to use in my pantry. I am really trying to organize it in a good way. Easy to see things and get to things.
I am also learning my way around here...I am not a fan of driving and I would rather not be the driver, but you have to do what you have to do. I like my little circle here...the store, school and Tony's work are all around my neighborhood....the only thing I don't like is going on Highway 41 but I have to get to certain places so I have to use that road..... I do have a GPS that helps me tremendously:)
The Holidays are just around the corner and Fred will be making his appearance VERY soon...Yay!!!
Well, time for another cup of coffee...Have a wonderful day xox
I am also looking forward to Fall. It's still hitting 80 and sunny here, but not for much longer :)