Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Tuesday, July 24th, was my birthday.  I turned 42. I was thinking about my mother a lot.  How 42 years ago this was her day, this was a day she was going to have a baby.  I never did tell her thank you, for having me.  Please, if you can tell your Mom you love her.

My husband always does so many special things for me, and my birthday is no exception.  He came home with this beautiful cake:)  He wanted to take us all out to dinner, but we are going out to dinner on Saturday, and I really just wanted a quiet evening at home...He picked up Panda Express for dinner.

.............and, he came home with this!!!  My very own Keurig!!!!  OH, I love it!!  I am not sure if you remember this past Mother's Day he got me a new coffee pot, one that brews a full pot, so now I have two wonderful coffee makers.  I love my is my vice.....and I just had a cup and I am wide awake...LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!! Oh, I'm so excited that you got a Keurig! I got one for my birthday this past February and it's so much fun. I love it! Have fun trying all the flavors!


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