Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. We are having a nice weekend here. There is no school tomorrow and Kevin has the day off too, YaY!

We are just getting ready for our move. We have to be in Georgia on April 1st, so that is pretty exciting having a date. So, we have to leave here before then to get there and set up house in time for Kevin to start work and Alexis to start school :)

Have a wonderful Sunday evening!!


  1. I am curious. Are you renting your present house? You haven't mentioned anything about trying to sell the house. Have you found a house in Georgia?

  2. Hi Jackie :)
    Yes, we are renting this home. We are trying to find a house in Georgia. Kevin already flew out there once, he may fly out again. My MIL and Sil are doing there best to help, they live in Georgia.

    I have a lot to do to this home. I do want to return it to the owner in as good possible of condition as I can. Also, we have quite a large deposit on this place would be nice to get some of the 3,000 back!!

    Julieann :)


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