Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I had to do some grocery shopping. We go through a lot of Fruit of veggies, so I had to stock back on that again.

I am going to make some boneless, skinless chicken breasts with a new seasoning I bought at the store by Emeril. It is not a new seasoning, it is just new to me...LOL. I will let you all know if we like it.

It was another warmer day. I am wondering when the cold will come. It is just so pretty outside it makes you want to start gardening and get a suntan. When I do start gardening this year, I am determined to grow something. For those of you that have read my blog for a while all know my track record on gardening....For those who don't know, let me just say, I am not very good..but I do try:)

Happy Tuesday!

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, and all the Holiday flavored creamers were gone from the store, I got Cinnabun flavored creamer:)

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