Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, November 07, 2011


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend We had a nice one. On Saturday I went to take a load out of the wash and noticed the water had not drained. I tried every cycle and nothing would happen with the water. My husband pulled the washer out and the tube was kinked. I was thinking that my washer was done, but thankfully it was just a kink. Has that ever happened to you?

Here are a few things I have hanging in my kitchen

I just love things that are country-ish..I would love my kitchen to be like Cracker Barrel with all those fun things hanging everywhere:)

My daughter was giving here speech today at school for school president, I snuck in and watched her. She did really well. if she was nervous, I could not tell. Very clear speech:) After the speech, she found me...LOL. I gave her a hug and told her I was very proud of her!

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