Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Busy Last Couple of Days:)

These last three days were not the normal days I am used too. Monday was Halloween, Busy day:) Tuesday was ballet after school, and then today was Alexis's dentist appointment. Kevin and Alexis's next dental visit is together on the same day, so I can take them both together all at once. I took Kevin last week and Alexis this week, so in 6 months, I will take them all together :) I don't know how I got them off that, but I did. The good news is, Kevin and Alexis both had NO CAVITIES!! I am super thrilled. I also made many Walmart trips. Alexis is running for student council, so I went and picked up poster board. It was the wrong poster board...LOL. How can poster board be wrong? Anyway, I went back and got the right poster board. Then we worked on the posters and the speech.

Oh, on Friday Alexis's school had a Fall Festival. We all went, and when Little Kevin did the Pumpkin Walk (Cake walk) He landed on number 30, and when the lady picked the number 30.....the look on Little Kevin's face was priceless when he realized he won a big pumpkin, and then when he ran up to get the big pumpkin, it was endearing watching him trying to lift his prize:)

It has been a great and busy week, but I am soooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to tomorrow, being able to stay home and do what I love to do most, keeping my home. I have laundry and toilets and sweeping and scrubbing and cooking and baking....and so many other wonderful things to do. Taking care of my family is the thing I love most:)

I got home about 5 o'clock this evening from the Dentist and then quickly emptied the dish washer and made dinner. We had Blackened Tilapia, steamed rice, lima beans and Cucumbers in vinegar, it was a quick and easy dinner to feed my hungry family. While I was making dinner I made a cup of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer.

Have a wonderful evening and I will see you in the morning:)


  1. I've had a busy week, too, and to top it off, we're all getting back to normal after a stomach flu epidemic in our family last week.

    I am enjoying this week of feeling better and am so thankful for us all to be healthy again, but I'm so looking forward to next week, which should be a lot more normal.

    Good luck to Alexis with her election!!

  2. Oh, I am so sorry about the flu!!! It sure takes a lot out of you. Hope the coming week is much better for you:)

  3. It's a busy (and beautiful) time of year for sure!
    Our halloween week has been full so far- I am looking forward to a stay at home day today later after the tour for parents of kids going into kindergarten today - man time flies!

    All the best
    Jen in canada


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