Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, July 01, 2011


Happy Friday!

We had some fun outside:)
I did a little housework, and then we played outside. I filled the pool up, made water balloons, and we had these water shooter thingys.

My husband is home for the 3 day weekend, YaY!!!

We are going to make a Costco trip and then that is it.
We will be BBQing also.

This summer has been so nice lately, not too hot, just right:)
Perfect sundress weather, I love, love, love my sundresses!

The other day, I brought the pool out to the front yard, and while the kids were playing in the kiddie pool, I washed my car. I like my car clean. It had gotten a bit dirty. There just is not enough time in the day to do everything all the time, so I sometimes have to multi task.
I also have to learn to relax more and enjoy this beautiful summer. Sometimes though, I think of all the things that need to get done, but then I think how fast my children grow. It seems like yesterday Tony was just a little boy, I held on my hip. Now he is bigger then me...LOL. Time flies. I remember once when he was little, I had taken him to karate class, and he wasn't feeling well, so I picked him up and carried him to the car. I said, "Tony, you are getting so big, I won't be able to carry you for much longer", he then said to me, "That is okay Mom, when I get big enough, I will carry you." That memory always brings a little tear to my eye.

Tonight for dinner, I made breaded pork chops, steamed rice, corn, a fresh green salad and homemade dinner rolls:)

Happy Friday!



  1. ("That is okay Mom, when I get big enough, I will carry you.")

    How precious, Julieann! That has got to be one of the sweetest things I have ever heard! :* )

    Robin : )

  2. This is just the sweetest. It is so true that our time with our children is fleeting. My little one is 6 now, and yet when I look at pictures of him as a baby, it seems like only yesterday.


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