Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I hope everyone is having a wonderful Summer. Ours is starting off wonderful. Alexis's birthday party was a lot of fun, and a lot of work too. We had it here and it was a 70's theme. We all had fun dressing up and playing old late 60's early 70's music. I decorated the dining room like a disco, we even had a disco ball...LOL. We played twister and had a pinata. My father came down which was really nice, it isn't always easy for him to come down this way. So it is always nice when he visits. I haven't talked too much about my Grandmother, she is not doing too well. She no longer lives in the house we all lived in when I was a child, she now lives with my Dad. So I don't see her like I used too. Right now, she is spending the summer with her daughter, in Illinois. She is happy there and that is all that matters!

I bought one of those kiddie pools at Walmart, I love those pools...LOL. My sister has an inground pool where she lives, so Alexis loves going over there to swim. Little Kevin and I are happy in the little pool:) I got a bit too much sun today though, I am a bit pink...well, red.....

I decorated the home for the 4th of July, I LOVE IT!! I love our American flag, it is so beautiful waiving in the breeze. It gives me the chills sometimes, when I think about all it stands for:)

I have been doing what I normally do, cooking, cleaning, laundry, baking. All that fun stuff that goes along with being a wife and mother.

We did go to the Mall over the weekend, and Alexis got to use her gift cards. We went to Justice, Claire's, Payless, Michael's, and Walmart...I am having a little girl stay with me for the summer. She is such a sweet little girl. I love her as if she was my own. Her 10th birthday was in June also, so we combined the birthdays and had one giant party for both girls. Let me tell you, when I took the girls to the mall, they CAN SHOP...LOL. They had fun, and so did I!

We also have a new pet, a Parrot! She is beautiful. I will share some pictures of her, as soon as I can get them off my camera and on the computer. Her name is Tiki.

I think I may have shown pictures of the parrot before, I can't remember. She belonged to a friend who sold her to us.

Tonight we had Tacos...A big family favorite.

Last night we went to the Outback for dinner, love that Bloomin' Onion, YummY!!

Also, we are getting close to Fall, So you all know what that means...LOL..Fred is anxiously waiting to come out:))) I know, I know, summer just got here...but I so love Fall...:)

Have a great evening!!!


  1. I read a few blogs, and your blog is usually the first one I read. It is such a positive, inspiration blog. Keep up the good work.


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