Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Costco Buys:)

We went to Costco over the weekend and I stocked up on a lot of fun stuff for my kitchen. I got all sorts of fruits of veggies. I can make all sorts of fresh juice:)
Here are some grapes we got:

A bag of onions is under 4.00 dollars there. The potatoes, on the table are from Albertson's. The potatoes I got from Costco, are huge, too big to put in that basket...LOL

Oh, here is a picture of some veggies, I sauteed. Onions, snap peas, celery, all sorts of peppers

This coffee, tastes so good, I love it! That big box was under 5.00 dollars.

Apples, great for snacks, and my juicer:)

You can see the corner of the box of tomatoes, and I also got croissants

Spring mix salad. I mix this lettuce with Romaine:)

We also stocked up on all sorts of meats and cheeses.

Tonight for dinner we had:

Stuffed Mushrooms
Steak on the Grill
Baked potatoes


Roasted Asparagus

The kitchen is all clean, the dishwasher is going and I have my coffee pot all set for the morning.

I can't wait for morning, to start the day all over again.

Kevin is sleeping soundly, and his breathing is doing very well right now. Being a mother is hard. The love you have for your children is like nothing else!

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