This sounds really neat. I am not as organized as I wish I was, so this is something that will motivate me. I love it when other people are doing it too, and we can share ideas and motivate eachother. I am sure I can come up with 52 things that need organizing, from my dresser drawers to the Garage, oh, the garage...LOL. Click on the button and hop on over to Laura's Blog and read what it is all about. I love what she said in her post about writing things down: I need it out of my head, onto paper where clarity can begin to make it’s way through the fog.
I am a list maker so this is right up my ally:)
P.S. Don't forget the post below this one, I need help with the little plant I bought:)
I am a list maker so this is right up my ally:)
P.S. Don't forget the post below this one, I need help with the little plant I bought:)
I'm in on the 52 weeks of organizing too. Should make it fun to all be doing it together. Good luck :-)