Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Happy Wednesday!

It was a bit chilly this morning, but not for long, it is in the 70's today and by the weekend it is supposed to be even warmer. That is just not right. How I long for cold winter days:)

I already made dinner for tonight. I made a spaghetti bake. It is all made and ready to go in the oven for dinner. We will have that with salad.

We are going to do a little Christmas shopping this weekend, I know what I want to get Alexis, but I can't post it, because my family reads my blog...and I don't want her to find out. I will let you know though after Christmas. Little Kevin is easy to buy for, he wants all toys...LOL. Now Tony, he is more difficult.....I asked if he wants anything special, and he said the normal teenage answer.."MONEY" LOL.

Alexis's room looks really nice, now that it is more organized. I will be picking up the girls from school today in a little while, and then soon after Kevin will be home. My favorite part of the day:) This week seems to be going by very fast. One of my dear friends has just told me she is moving out of state, it makes me sad to think about this, I adore her and her children, and it will be sad not seeing them every day. They live in the neighborhood. It seems so many people have come and gone from my neighborhood.

We took a drive last night and everyone's houses looked so pretty all lit up. I like the white lights, very simple, but very pretty.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday:)

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