Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Good Evening!
Hope everyone is doing wonderful.
I worked really hard today preparing the home for Christmas!
The house is clean, the fridge is all ready for the new groceries tomorrow. Every room is neat and tidy.
The gifts are all wrapped.
I just took a shower.
I am ready for bed.
The coffee pot is all set for the morning's coffee.

For tomorrow, I will be going to the market and doing some baking. I didn't get the baking done today like I wanted too, but tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow the kids will get there new pajamas, and I doubt they will get any sleep...LOL. I will take a bunch a pictures of Christmas.
I am deciding on weather to make my Christmas casserole for Christmas breakfast or something different, I will let you know.

Have a wonderfully blessed and warm night!
It did not rain today..I miss the rain:)

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