Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Wash on Monday,
Iron on Tuesday
Mend on Wednesday
Churn on Thursday
Clean on Friday
Bake on Saturday
Rest on Sunday

I just love this little list:)

I got a lot done organizing my daughter's room yesterday. Did not get much laundry done though, so I will work on that today. The downstairs, is clean and straightened, it is the upstairs I want to work on. My daughter's room is pretty much done. I really want to work on my bedroom. I have so many pictures it looks a bit cluttered, so I want to reorganize all the pictures. Not sure where I can put them all, they are lovely family photos, so I want them out, but not all bunched in one place. They are all a top my armoire and it looks a bit too much.

It is chilly this morning, but the sun is out. It is supposed to warm up to about 70 today.

For dinner, I have leftover pork from Sunday, so I want to do something with that before it goes bad. Last night we had T-Bone steaks, baked potatoes, green beans and a salad:) So tonight, I will come up with something with the pork:)

I have read this on a few blogs, and other places too, and I think it is such a sweet and great idea. Light a candle, I light them in my kitchen. Little Kevin can't get to them there, and also that is the room I am in the most. Every time you notice the candle say a little pray:) Isn't that just an awesome idea??

Have a great Tuesday, and light a candle:)))


  1. I know it's wrong to covet but I am soooo JEALOUS of your weather!! It's in the 20s here and we are getting hammered with Lake Effect snow. I am sick of winter before it officially starts. =P

    Your dinner sounded so yummy!

    Tonight will be turkey breast, baked potatoes and acorn squash over here. Happy Wednesday!!

  2. You're so cute Jenn. I am in the same boat with you, I covet your weather!!! I so wish it would get COLD...LOL:)


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