Happy Saturday!

We got our Turkey's today, Albertson's had a sale, buy one get one free, so we have one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas:) I got most of the stuff I need for Thanksgiving, but I still need to go back this week for a few other things.
I also went and bought some new makeup and new perfume..that was fun.
It is raining today and has been raining all day. It is nice and warm in the house. We have a nice roast in the oven and I have a pumpkin spice candle lit, so the house smells rather nice. OHHH, at Walmart, they had poinsettias, big ones, for 4 dollars each, so I got a couple of those, they are so pretty, I just hope I can keep them alive..I am so bad with plants.
Have a wonderful, safe and warm saturday:)
One more thing, did you see the Duggars this week, Josh and Anna, are going to have another baby. Oh, I would love to have another too:)

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