Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, June 07, 2009


I am so excited and I hope it works. My husband got me the Topsy ~Turvy yesterday and he put it together for me too. We were going to get more, but with mixed reviews we are going to try one and then go from there. I will keep you updated on the progress of my Topsy Turvy. We paid 12.99 for one at Lowes:)


  1. Yes, please keep us updated! I've been thinking of getting one but I'm hesitant as I barely know what I'm doing planting them the traditional way, LOL!

  2. I've never heard of them before... but what a cool idea, if it works!
    Yes, please keep us updated!

  3. I have thought about getting one. Let us girls know how it works.
    Pamela in OH

  4. I cant wait to hear how your harvest turns out! What a great idea those topsy turveys are! What are YOUR plans this summer? I compiled a short list on my blog, looking for more great ideas. =)

  5. Oh, I hope it works for you and I can't wait to hear about its progress. Jim and I have been wanting to get one. I just put my tomato plant is a bucket this year and so far so good. I sure hope the bugs don't get them. I have several just at the turning color stage. Have a good day, connie

  6. I hope that it works well for you. I can't wait to see its progress in the coming months.

    Have a blessed day!

  7. Mornin sweetie,

    I have something for you over on my blog.

    Love & Prayers,


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