Do you remember when I had my carpets cleaned? Well a few months after that, my sister said that she has this really great carpet cleaner. I just couldn't believe a store bought cleaner would work better then a professional. It cleaned beautifully, better then the professional~~~it is that time again, my carpet is not looking very nice, so my sister said I could use her machine again~~When I get it I will tell you what kind it is, I can't remember~~~it just worked awesome.
I picked these little pads up at the store, and I really like them. If you see them in the store grab a box.
I picked these little pads up at the store, and I really like them. If you see them in the store grab a box.

Yesterday we grilled and I am using the left over chicken to make a cheesy chicken and rice casserole for Dinner, I will also serve it with some green beans and a nice fresh green salad.
As, for Jon and Kate, I can't comment yet on the show, I have not watched it yet, but I did Tivo it, so I will let you know what I think.
It is a bit chilly today, and the sun has yet to come out. Today, I think I will do some kitchen work and prepping . I would really like to get in there and give it a good scrubbing. ...and of course laundry is on the agenda...LOL
I'll be interested to hear about that carpet cleaner. I'll have to try out the soft scrub.
ReplyDeleteI know you haven't seen it yet but, I did so I am going to leave my 2 cents about it here....I am very sad for both of them and the path they seem to be headed sad. I have always liked the show and while I am not a kate hater, as many are, I have felt that she was a bit demanding and at times hard on Jon. That said, I watched the last episode of season 4 prior to watching this first episode of season 5 and I have to say I felt extremely bad for Kate. In the finale of 4 it was very evident that she was happy with all that the show has brought to her family-the luxuries it has afforded them, the opportunities opened for them, not to mention the chance to feel valued and appreciated as a writer and speaker. It was also apparent that Jon did not feel the same way. He was not happy playing the role of stay at home dad while Kate was working and he appeared to resent it. You could see in the way Kate picked and chose her words about continuing the show that she understood how hard it has been for him and they had to work at it to come to some kind of agreement. Well, cut to season 5 and you can just see the disappointment and hurt all over her. Jon made some really bad choices and because of it, Kate and the kids have been subjected to lies and papparazzi and all kinds of tabloid/media hype and it just isn't fair. You can see how very sad and alone this entire incident has left her-Regardless of whether you feel she was a witch or not, no one should ever have to feel that way. It left me feeling very, very sad for all of them.
ReplyDeleteI watched the show as well, and it also made me very sad. Jon looked depressed the entire time. Every time he tried to do something with/for the kids at their birthday party, Kate was all over him. You'll see at the party she was laughing and having a heck of a time. But Jon couldn't even crack a smile. Anyway, my prayers are with them and their kids.
ReplyDeleteHi Julieann, it's been awhile since I've commented here and I lost track of your blog--glad I found you again! (o:
ReplyDeleteI did watch the premiere of J&K's show to see how they would explain things. In my opinion really it was nothing but Public Relations spin. I've done quite a bit of reading about this family and people who know them, ie: family and close friends, are coming out and saying that this show has been a farce from the beginning.
I think it's deplorable that they exploit their children like they do. Those children have paid for tummy tucks, hair plugs, spa sessions etc.... for their parents. Children deserve privacy and these kid's most intimate moments have been shown on TV for all the world to see and the parents have reaped the benefits.
What's worse is that at the close of last season Jon said he would like to stop doing the show but Kate loves the $$ too much to allow that to happen.
Aunt Jodi's sister has a blog and you can read the truth about this family from people who actually know them. I really liked what she had to say on her most recent post:
"We should not be able to watch the destruction of a real family. It is a little disturbing to me that so many people see this as entertainment. These are real children, not characters on a show.........Each person who watched last night stole something from the children that they'll never get back. They deserve respect, privacy and security. Their own parents have taken that away from them, but we can give it back by letting TLC know that we won't watch it any longer. If Jon and Kate care so little for their family that they refuse to end the show, the viewers can end it for them. If you want to help the children, then stop watching!"I completely agree with her and will no longer participate in robbing these kids of their private lives. I hardly watched any of last season and I won't be watching this one.
Thanks for letting me share my view point. I know my words are strong and I have no desire to be offensive. I just feel so sorry for those poor children....
Hi Julieann--
ReplyDeleteSounds like quite the carpet cleaner!!
As for the show, I've only watched it a handful of times but really LOVED it! I did think Kate could be a bit high strung at times, but with sextuplets it's easy to see that if she was not that way they'd probablly be living in utter chaos. I also have thought Jon seemed WAY too laid back which probablly lead to Kate being even more controlling.....but who knows really.
This show was very depressing. I felt bad after it to be honest. It was very clear that Jon did not want to be a stay at home dad while Kate was out traveling. I wish they would work it out.
Okay...I watched it. My opinion was it was very sad. Jon did not seem himself, very withdrawn, and Kate in the interviews seemed a bit gentler. I truly believe this marriage can be saved. Did you notice though, they kept saying they loved their kids and family but never once did Jon or Kate say they loved each other, very sad. Kate needs to read Dr. Laura's book on the proper care and feeding of husbands. My 2 cents.
ReplyDeleteI noticed the same thing about neither of them saying they loved each other....So sad :(