Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I recieved my issue of Taste Of Home. This is one of my favorite issues. It is all about the tomato. So many wonderful recipes using the tomato, so many I want to try. If you have not gotten this issue, make sure you pick this one up.

When I was a little girl, I liked just simple foods, I didn't care for tomatoes, mushrooms or spinach~~~~> But now I love them all. I don't think there are many food that I don't like.

Look at this recipe, not only did they stuff the burger with cheese, but they put a slice of onion in there too, what a neat idea!

...and pickles, I am going to try this very simple pickle recipe.....

Bruschetta pizza, yummy

The recipe

There were so many pages I wanted to show you out of this magazine. I just a picked a few of my favorites.

Tuesday was kitchen day, I went shopping and organized my fridge. Wednesday was Laundry day, and I baked some bread in between loads.

Today, not sure yet. All the bathrooms are wiped down, so I may just putter around and see what needs to be done, there is always something that needs to be done.

Happy Thursday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love these magazines. I get the Quick and Simple one, and the Healthy Eating one.


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