Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Here We Go Again.....

YEP!!!! Lice has made it's way into my home, once again. A neighbor called me yesterday and said she had found lice on her little girl~~~I check Alexis and sure enough, those little buggers were there too! Then my friend next door, I told her and yep, her daughter too. I washed my daughters hair, combed it, picked it, etc~~Washed bedding. I am doing all the vacuuming and washing again now this morning~~~So, you all know what I will be doing for the next 10 days!
Have a great Wednesday everyone.
Dinner will most likely be pork chops:)


  1. Oh no!! I don't know if this is true or not, but a friend told me lice does not like hair that has product in it. Lice sticks better to clean hair. As a precaution everyday I put a bit of hair product in my girls hair. Hairspray, mousse, or some other styling product. Just a bit on the tops of their heads. So far so good. I'm probably speaking to soon and will dealing with it next! Yikes. ((hugs))

  2. That's not fun! Been there done that! I was lucky though with boys and their short hair! Good luck!


  3. Awwww...that really stinks. Sorry to hear you are having to deal with them.

    Have a blessed day!

  4. Yuck! We battled lice in February. Not fun, and I was on the look out for the next month!


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