Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, May 15, 2009

....another post Today....

Last night after dinner, I got a phone call, which in turn I neglected my kitchen~~~Oops, anyway, I finished tiding up the kitchen this morning, wiping down appliances, etc.

Then I vacuumed and now I am going to start tonight's dinner: Spaghetti:) So I will cook the ground beef and then simmer the sauce.

When I was at Walmart the other day, I picked up this little air freshener~~~~>

I only bought one, because I never used them before. This one is lavender and it smells delightful. I love my house to smell clean, but I also like it to smell pretty:) This pretty little freshener cost about 2.50. I will be getting more.


  1. I use those air fresheners too and I love them!

  2. I love it- It looks so old fashioned with the top on it!

  3. Good morning Julieann,

    Hi. I have used these little air fresheners from time to time and they seem to do a sweel job. Although I am a wee bit jealous of yours though. I havent found one that is lavendar scented. Lucky, lucky you.

    Love & Prayers,

  4. thanks for the tip! i am always looking for a good air freshner that actually works.

  5. Hi Julieann. I found some air freshners almost like those at our Big Lots.
    They smeel great and look so much prettier than most of the others.
    I put one by my night side
    table. So I can smell the sweet smell when I first wake up.
    Pamela in NE OH

  6. That looks like a sweet air freshener, I will have to look for them. :0) Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  7. That's a very pretty little air freshener. I wonder if our local Wal-Marts have them.


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