Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Thursday!~~~and a question:)

Happy Thursday everyone~~~This week is almost over and spring break will soon begin--Yay!! I love having ALL my kids home with me. Easter is fast approaching and I am looking through my Taste of Home and other magazines and cookbooks for some special Easter recipes.

I need some ideas--

What are some special dishes you make on Easter?

P.S. I already did two, yes, two loads of laundry...LOL. Chili is in the crock pot for dinner tonight
Happy Day Everyone!


  1. i thought of you last nite when i went to the store- i saw your cannisters! :)
    hope all is going well- i am behind in reading blogs.

  2. I need some ideas too! LOL Was hoping to get some here.....;-)

    Guess I better start thumbing through some recipes also. Happy Planning!!!

  3. Hi Jenn---I will be posting my finalized menu pretty soon----Maybe in the next couple days we will see more ideas:)

    Tami, I am behind on reading too---there is not enough time in the day for all the lovely blogs I adore reading!

  4. our Easter menu always includes a spiral ham, stuffed (deviled) eggs, and Reeses eggs.
    We usually have some kind of potato casserole, hot rolls, green salad and dessert too. The other side dishes change but the first 3 are "always haves"

  5. We go non-traditional for the most part for Easter. This year we are having lasagna, garlic bread and salad. Our one tradition that we stick to every year is an Easter basket cake.


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me