Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Kitchen Frugality~~

If anyone is reading this from there--where did the message board go? I can see it in my google reader but it is gone when I try to go to the actual board:( Is it gone? OHHH, I think I remember you all started another board just in case, can I come over?
Help!! :)


  1. I am a lurker to the board, and I was wondering the same thing. I would love to go over to the other board if there is one to. All the boards just disappered yesterday.

  2. Send Gail (fishiewoo) an email and she will send you the link to the new board. The old one will hopefully be back as they finish the migration process! BTW..I enjoy your blog and that recipe yesterday looks amazing!

  3. I can't believe they are just gone!! How do I get to the new boards? HELP!!!


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P.S. You can always email me