Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Tony was running and he tripped and to save himself, he extended his right arm---Off to Urgent care we went this morning--How come accidents always happen over the weekend? Anyway, my Doctor told me if he is not available to use this urgent care---Tony fractured his arm and he is in a sling at this moment---they made an appointment for an Orthopedic Surgeon on Monday---- ---Poor Guy---he is so upset---no working out or guitar playing. Can I ask for some prayers for my baby. I know everything will be okay---but he is still my baby (17):)

I am working on my St. Patrick's day menu and post--that will be up shortly. This weekend will consist--of the usual--it is quite chilly outside, so I will be staying in with the baby--I can't wait until it is warm and Little Kevin can run all around the backyard in the warm sun:)


Kevin took Alexis to the school dance last night--they were having a Sock Hop--so that poodle skirt we got her, came in handy--she twisted the night away Kevin said...LOL

Happy Saturday ---St Patrick's Day post coming later today!


  1. What a bummer for Tony! I hope it heals quickly!

  2. Poor Tony! I hope that it heals up quickly. (((hugs))). I'm looking forward to our St. Patrick's Day dinner, too. :0)


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