Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chicken Dinner

Chicken Dish!~~~>Remember the other day when I said I was going to make a pot pie--and I was asked about the recipe---well, I did not have all the ingredients for the pot pie, so I improvised and made this instead--let me just say it was really good.

It was left over chicken cut up, then I made the white cream sauce---(Butter, flour and milk) ...and then, you all know my hubby loves cheese, I added cheese to the white sauce--and poured it over the chicken, and topped it off with homemade mashed potatoes--I know I have made many similar versions of this dish...LOL, what can I say, when in doubt, make something that works and tastes good too:)

Happy Tuesday everyone!
I am taking Tony to his followup to the Orthopedic surgeon in a few minutes, then I will be back home doing housework...especially socks---my husband needs some clean socks. I buy him all white socks, and when I wash them I don't match them up, they are all the same, I just place them all in a drawer---Tony prefers all black, so I do the same with his:)


  1. Good idea - kinf od a Shepherds pie made with chicken!

  2. oh...I forgot to tell you! I made your dinner rolls the other day and they were wonderful!!!! thanks for the great recipe. So easy to make with a little help from the bread machine! :-)

  3. I really enjoy reading about your dinner recipes!
    I love how you enjoy being
    wife housewife and mother!
    You have such a zest for what you do and in shows
    on your blog!!
    Pamela in NE Ohio

  4. Pamela~~~You always say the nicest things, Thank you---You need to start a blog, I bet it would be awesome:) (I know it would)

    All my commenters are awesome and I thank each and everyone of you for brightening up my day:))) xox

  5. It looks delicious and very heartwarming! Grace is a a huge fan of mashed potatoes, so I will have to make this for her. :0)

  6. This dish looks SO good!! And I am sure it was to die for with a yummy cheesy sauce AND mashed potatoes!!!

    GREAT idea about the socks!!!

    Mrs. U

  7. Thank you Julieann you seem like such a sweet and
    kind person.
    Pamela In Ohio

  8. I do the same thing with my sons socks, but my husband wants his matched and thats fine, he lives out of a bag when he is on the road so that makes it easier for him.


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P.S. You can always email me