Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Breakfast Casserole!

Happy Saturday! This is the Breakfast Casserole I made Christmas morning.
I did do a few adjustments to the recipe---I added more eggs and I added more bread cubes---I had a lot of people to feed...LOL.
It was wonderful--You have to try this.

We had a wonderful Christmas as I hope you all did too.
I have lots of pictures to share too.


  1. No fair! I'm sitting here eating a bowl cereal staring at that yummy casserole.....drool!!! :)

    I'd love the recipe if you care to share it. :)
    Jennifer <><

  2. Nevermind...just saw you supplied a link to it. Thank you so very much!

  3. Hi Julieann,
    Can't wait to see the pictures. We had a nice Christmas also. I had the same breakfast casserole and boy it was yummy wasn't it. I added more eggs also
    happy Weekend Julieann

  4. Looks Yummy Julieann. I am glad you all had a good Christmas. Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs, BJ

  5. We had a wonderful Christmas here as well. I got the best present- about 1pm on Christmas day I got a phone call - someone had seen Bear!! I went to their house and he was in the woods behind their house and when I called for him, he came running to me!! I am so happy!!!

  6. OMGoodness.. It looks yummy!
    I had a few left-over cookies for breakfast this morning, but Shhhh... don't tell anyone!

  7. Yummy! That looks absolutely wonderful. I hope that you have a great weekend!


  8. Mmmm...that looks delicious! I look forward to seeing your pictures.

  9. Looks just like the one I made:) I made another one this morning because everyone loved it so much:)

  10. Looks great!

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Julianne! Can't wait to see some of your pictures!



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