Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Computer is Sick!

My hard drive crashed (early) Monday morning----Kevin put it in my old hard drive last night after he got home from work--but it is
S L O W! He is going to get a new hard drive today to install--but it was rather difficult not having my computer yesterday---You don't realize how much you depend on something until it is not there---my son has a computer--but it is not the same----I was Mrs. Grumpy yesterday--my day was out of whack----

I am just so happy I have my computer back--it may be slow--but I can deal with a slow computer rather then no computer at all. I had so much to post about about too---I think that is what made me grumpy yesterday--I couldn't do my lists and such for the new week.

Anyway, just in case I go MIA again you know why--my computer is a bit on the ill side.

Happy Tuesday :o)


  1. Glad to see Kevin got you back online. I have come to depend on the computer far too much sometimes I think.
    Glad to see you back online. We are having a beautiful cool fall day here and the leaves are blowing to and fro.


  2. I know what you mean, when it goes down how you miss it. I communicate with 99% of the people through the computer now.

    I had mine crash when I was working at home too. I had to use my daughters computer for about a week. I know what you mean how its not the same.

    Glad you are able to get back on and I hope the hard drive solves your problem.

  3. My computer is getting slower and slower and I wonder when it will crash or whatever they do. This is our first computer and we have had it for 6 years.

    I am glad that your works somewhat. Have a good day and I hope the second opinion is a good one. connie from Texas

  4. Don't we feel lost when our computers are down.


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