Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Before Picture---> *Updated!

This is my 1 year old's idea of how to organize my Tupperware--now, he really has lost interest--and I have now put up a baby gate to my kitchen to keep my puppy and the baby seperated for the time being--so my cabinet does have a chance to stay nice if I can figure out a way to oraginze it---->

This is exactly how it looks right now:

I will post an after picture----keep your eye out for that:)

Here is the after:

It is better--but I am still on the look out for a better method--at least it is neat now:)


  1. It looks very nice. It is so hard to keep that part of my cabinet looking neat also. Have a great week. connie

  2. It looks nice now, but I also love how well little kevin did his organizing :)

  3. Me and little Kevin have a lot in common in organizational skills! LOL Ok...if he decides to write a blog, please link us up! :) I'm still waiting for the "Julieann isn't perfect" post!

  4. It looks good!
    I know keeping my Tupperware things is an ongoing task, every few months or so I have to sort them out and reorganize them.

  5. Thank you for your sweet comment!
    I love to organize, I just don't do it enough. It's always so rewarding, though, to see the finished project. :)

  6. I have the same problem with my plastic containers. There really must be a better way.


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