Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Recipe Day!!

Happy Wednesday!! I was looking through my recipe cards--I own the Great American Recipe Card collection--and there are over 600 cards (give or take) When I was about 22, I got a couple of cards every month for about 6.00--I had no idea what I was getting myself into..LOL--Anyway, I am so glad I have them now and I was so happy when I received a letter saying I completed the set. They sit in an organized box (2) in my kitchen and sometimes I forget that they are there--a friend had asked me to look for a recipe, and I am glad she did, I went through my whole box and found so many recipes that I want to try--here are few recipes that I had pulled out--I will share some more soon. Click on any recipe card to enlarge and read--I am going to try all five of these and I will post a picture when I do. If you would like to make any of these, I would love to hear how the recipe came out.

Don't these chocolate balls look yummy!!

..and this bread, with cheese and jalapenos---mmmmmmm

I love buttermilk, yes, I drink it, so this bread looks really good to me---

Pretzels--dipped in mustard

and last but not least, this looked like a totally easy dessert, and peach season is coming up:)

I hope you enjoyed these recipes I picked out--happy cooking!

1 comment:

  1. All of those recipes look delicious, Julieann! I am definitely making those orange chocolate balls...yum!


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