Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


This is my Laundry Nook. The doors are closed to hide the washer and the dryer.

This what it looks like when you open the doors--neat, huh:)

The washer and dryer are going right now as I type. Little Kevin is napping and Alexis is at the dentist this morning with her Father. Tony does not have school today--so he is home also. I want to add, thank goodness for our dental insurance---Alexis has inherited soft baby teeth--I am sure I have talked about it. Tony had a lot of work done on his baby teeth too--and now all his adult teeth are in, we put a sealant on his teeth and have not had any problems with his adult teeth, they are perfect! Little Kevin goes for a cleaning on Friday and the dentist is going to make sure his teeth are doing well before we have problems. Alexis's bill this time is 1,500--OUCH--but our insurance covered most of it, but 174.00 Whew! Now on to my laundry--I have all the piles sorted, and I am going to take this day to get as much of it done that I can---over the weekend, we had two birthdays (I have pictures), Church, shopping and other fun stuff--so I am behind on my laundry----I love these days, where I can totally focus on my laundry and Homekeeping. Yesterday mid way, I took Little Kevin to the park so he could RUN---boy can he go ..and also so he could play with other children--he says *HI* to everyone--it is soo cute...LOL. I wore him out :) I was also in charge of snack at the Girl Scout meeting. Busy day yesterday--and I sure enjoyed taking breaks in between all that and going to your blogs--I just loved all the blogs I was at yesterday--So many of us our so like minded, I love that!!

My Piles:
Baby Clothes
Kitchen Towels
(Some Delicates get put in with the baby's)

A little off topic--but if I get pregnant this month, do you know the due date would fall on my Husband's birthday--how cool is that? We shall see:)

Beef Roast
Mashed Potatoes and Homemade Gravy
Corn on the Cobb
Fresh Green Salad
Homemade Rolls!


  1. Sounds like a fun day. I didn't know you were wanting another baby. That is very kool.

  2. My itty is now the jolly green giant already at 4 weeks. LOL Your too cute with how your such a homemaker. I shive the clothes in a basket and dump basket into washer. No sorting unless it is new/red since I did turn a batch of Aaron's clothing pink years ago. LOL

  3. Wow.....what a big dental bill, I am really glad that you do have the insurance, that really saved you some money! I like your laundry nook, and of course, it is all nice and neat!

    xox Sharon

  4. Hi, Ronda here-
    (from A peachy Keen Life-
    Frist let me say Praise God for Insurance.! I think it would be absolutely wonderful to be able to give birth on the same day as your hubby's birthday. I pray it all works out for you both.

    Love & Prayers,


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