Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Pancakes anyone?
(Click on picture to enlarge recipe--it is a recipe in my Betty Crocker Cookbook)

Mix all ingredients


...and served on a princess plate (Not the boys though...LOL)

Thank you for sharing our pancakes with us--they were yummy!

What did you have for breakfast?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julieann those look yummy! Good thing I just finished a bowl of granola or I might have had to make those. LOL Have you ever tried storing the batter overnight? I wonder if it would still be ok. I would *think so but who knows. I would try those tomorrow but were going out for lunch for MIL's b-day so I don't want a big breakfast. Hmm maybe Monday since DH is off.

    You post so many good recipes I would love to see a search feature or something for the recipes. Like you bread pictures yesterday- I know I have the recipe somewhere (i think) but no clue where it is saved. LOL

    I did go to Target last night Heh but I got to see family too. I included pics of my neice.


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