Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday!


  1. My goodness. Little Kevin is growing so fast. What precious pics of him and alexis.

    Seems like you had a wonderful wednesday too. I love your title!

    I'm sure your weather was warmer than ours. At 12 noon it was 48. Over 45 degrees and I get all pumped to go walking :)

  2. Hi Julieann.
    Thanks for stopping by to say hi. Was nice to hear from you. Yeah I've missed blogging but just have been soo busy with homeschooling Janelle and also don't have a camera....posts without pictures tend to be really boring! I love your blog because it's always loaded with pictures! I was looking at cameras today and may go get one tomorrow...we'll see if I can find something I like within my price range...If I do, you should see me posting again soon. I'll let you know. Your blog is one of the few that I still check...I do it thru bloglines.
    I can't believe your little Kevin is almost ONE already!!! amazing..and he is incredibly adorable! Take care and hugs to you.

  3. Awww....beautiful pictures of your children, Julieann!

  4. What cute pictures. YOu are so lucky to have such pretty sunny weather! Little Kevin is getting so big!

    Hugs, Sharon

  5. Such cute pictures! I know you said you can hardly believe he is almost one. Doesn't time just fly when you have kids? When I was a kid it seemed to go so slow and I wanted to grow up, now I want it to slow down.
    Sorry about the link I left you yesterday. I know your daugter is older and the site I left you is for younger kids. However, you can keep that in mind for Kevin when he is ready.


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