Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Friday Fun!

Thank you so much Eileen and Jenny for answering my questions down below. I appreciate it soooo much!

The weather here is just too pretty--it makes me want to play instead of work. I went for a long walk with Little Kevin on Del Mar yesterday and we looked in all the little shops, I bought a few books and saw some other things I am going to keep my eye on.

Don't forget it is daylight savings this weekend, so Spring Forward on Sunday:)

I was going to title this post my big clean--I am going to do some more work in the garage this weekend, and I have got a handle on my laundry--YAY!!!

Kevin and I had a talk about more babies---but do I have itty bitty baby fever...LOL. If things work out I could have a December baby----also, since I am nursing, my cycle is kind of hard to keep track of.

I forgot to post last nights dinner, but it was baked chicken, noodles with Oil and Garlic and peas with a green salad. Little Kevin just loves peas. He is past the mushy type baby food, he likes things with substance and texture and things he can bite into--he really loves small curd cottage cheese, and CHEESE!!!! Oh boy!!! Who doesn't like cheese?? You could take away all the sweets from me, but don't take away my cheese...LOL.

I am going to have a small party for Little Kevin--he turns a year next month--YAY!! Can you believe it??? If we were in Georgia, I could have had a huge party for Tony, but since we are here in Cali---all my friends have spread out in other parts of the country. So I am going to make little invitations and mail them out. I am not sure what the theme is going to be---he is a baby, so I am sure he is not too worried...LOL. I have noticed there are certain children shows that do catch his eye--like Barney and Blues Clues. I have learned from some mistakes I had made in the past--Like Tony, I was a little more lenient on things, and I am not sure if that is always good----I just feel that our children are young for such a short time, and they have the rest of their lives to hear grownup things--LET THEM BE KIDS!!! I am very cautious about cussing in front of children--I don't do it--and don't like to hear other people do it---don't get me wrong, I have dropped something and said a few chosen words, but I am changing--and trying very hard to use gentle words and not raise my voice--even though it is very hard, I grew up in an Italian household with my grandparents and my grandfather was deaf in one ear so we all had to shout---Kevin sometimes thinks I am yelling, when I am not...LOL. Oh, I pray to be soft spoken:) Boy did I just go off into a different direction...LOL.

I am so excited, St Patrick's day is coming up--and EASTER!!! YAY, EASTER!!! What a wonderful holiday Easter is:)

Well, I am going to vacuum the stairs, wipe down the bathrooms--put all the dishes away from the dishwasher--I ran it this morning. OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS--IT IS A GLORIOUS DAY!!!!--->oops---yes I was yelling...LOL :)



  1. Happy Weekend, Julieann! I can't believe Little Kevin is going to be one next month, time sure does fly by! I had to giggle about your chosen words/shouting because it reminded me of a story...
    A few years ago, I went to the grocery store late at night. I was in the produce section and I slipped on a grape. Well, I fell flat on my back, saying a few choice words on the way down. *blush* I'm so glad that no one was around to see or hear, but ever since then, I've worried about it happening again, while surrounded by a Bible study group or something..hehehee.


  2. thanks for the comment on my blog...and if we were neighbors there wld always be room for ya and a hot cup of coffee waiting *U*


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