Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday's Stuff!

My Big Clean from Friday is continuing .....

Some things I did today:

I went to the .99 cent store
Went grocery shopping at Albertson's

Set up a lemonade stand for the kids--(Alexis made $7.50)
Did 3 loads of Laundry
Scrubbed a toilet

I have my weekly Menu plan done, so I will post that too.

I need to get a toy box for Little Kevin, it is amazing how much stuff a little baby can accumulate...LOL. I have been using a big basket I got at Michael's awhile back and it just does not hold everything any more. I really like the organizing tubs that I saw on *Jon and Kate plus 8*--she organized her whole house and she got these really neat organizing tub/shelf like things for the kids toys.

We had Tacos for dinner tonight--I always like an easy dinner after grocery shopping. My buzzer on my dryer just went off, so off to fold I go. Happy Saturday Everyone. xo


  1. Happy Saturday, Julieann! It sounds like you are getting lots of work done, I love productive Saturdays like that!

  2. Sounds like you have been busy. I want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers. It really means a lot to me. :)

  3. I do not watch the show your speaking of so I have no idea on the bins your talkin about. I do want to tell you though that if you cannot find them or whatever Target has a white toybox in the Do Your Own Room area. It is about $40 but we just love it! It has a bunch of safety features from being unable to pinch finges if lid is closed on a hand to the lid only being opened an inch and it WILL stay up from the hinges so no slams.

  4. It sounds like you've had a productive couple of days. I love Jon & Kate plus 8. Have a super Sunday!

  5. Julieann, you need to come PRACTICE organizing at my house. Then you will be a pro and organizing your home will be a breeze. Can I expect you, say Wednesday, in Alabama to begin your practice? HAH! Take a break and rest a little. It's the weekend - Jennifer

  6. I think Jon & Kate got their organizing stuff at Ikea. At least that's what it looked like on the show.

    I have pastel-colored bins that fit on a white shelf. Got the whole thing at K-Mart on sale for $40. It holds a lot of stuff. Here's a photo of it from Target's website (and you can also get it in primary colors for a boy):


  7. My kids love to have lemonade stands in the spring or summer when we have our annual garage sale.
    No lemonade stands here this time of year. It is -5 with the windchill here today.

    I still haven't watched that Jon and Kate Plus 8 show. I will have to sometime.

    Thanks for your kind message on my blog.
    I will have to take and post some pictures once I get to working.
    This next week is putting away supplies in the cabinets and drawers and etc. It will be a busy week.

    Hugs, Lori


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