Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wednesday--Tomorrow is T-Day:)

After Halloween or about that time is when I buy a big bag of nuts--I put them in a wooden bowl and display them someplace everyone can see----I put a nut cracker with them--and you would be surprised just how fast they disappear---and then I just fill the bowl back up again--and then by the time the Christmas tree comes down is about the time I stop buying mixed nuts--there is just something about a bowl of mixed nuts that just says *Holiday* to me...LOL---My husband looked at me and said *Every year*...LOL when I put a bag in our cart---it just wouldn't be the same with out them. Also, after Thanksgiving I am going to make some cookies---most likely my Thumbprint cookies---I will share recipe and pictures---and then I have a few new recipes I am anxious to try out in my new cooker and from my new magazines--I will share those too.

Aren't the Holidays just the most delightful time??!! There is just something in the air.

To answer a question in the comment section-- Chrissy, yes, my little baby can sit up on his own--I just can not believe it--and he has two tooffers too(teeth)----He will be 7 months on November 26th--isn't it funny how slow the time goes when you are pregnant, but then it just flies by when they are here.

On Thursday, I am going to have my Dad take a family picture for me, and I am going to turn them into Christmas cards--I will post the pictures for you all to be the first to see---


  1. You have pecans in your mixed nuts! I have looked and looked in the mixed-nut bins here, and there are NO pecans. My mixture is walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds. Envying your pecans in Canada . . .

  2. I just bought some mixed nuts yesterday and put them in a bowl in my kitchen! My Nana always had a bowl of nuts out on Christmas day. I like the big brazil nuts the best. :0)

  3. Nuts are a favorite of my kids and me too.
    Can't wait to see your family picture.


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