Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wednesday's This and That

Happy Wednesday. I was reading Susan's Blog, about her Monday Morning Ritual, and it totally inspired me. I woke up this morning filled my sink with hot soapy water, added a little bleach--and then added a touch of my lavendar fabric softener to make it smell so pretty. I didn't have any Meyer's soap, like Susan uses--but trust me, it is now on my shopping list. I put together my own little clean smelling cleaner---->

I wiped down my whole kitchen--appliances too

Here is everything getting moved around. EWWW, look at my dirty towel--yuck. My kitchen is just sparkling and smelling soooo good.

I worked hard in the kitchen today--and then I vacuumed the stairs, and scrubbed my shower----- Little Kevin is sooo good, it is easy to get things done with him--the only problem is he is just so fun to hold, I want to hold him all the time--and trust me, I do---but in between playing with my kids, work must be done.

All the homeschooling tours you all are doing are so fun to read, and the pictures are awesome. I have not made it back to Wal-Mart--BUT, Albertson's is now having the same sale, and I really need to go to the grocery store--so if some filler paper and notebooks fall into my cart--oops..LOL. I was very busy yesterday, Grandma had a Doctor's appointment, and she had a list of places she had to go too--so we had a busy but wonderful day. I bought some English Muffins and made Alexis a mini pizza on them--SHE LOVED THEM--so I am going to do a post on how I make them --they really are good:) Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful evening xoxox


  1. You have motivated me with your post! Thank you. Off to do my kitchen now.
    Have a great day!

  2. Aww, thank you Betty-Jo. You have a very nice blog, I went over and visited, but it wouldn't let me leave a comment:( I will be back--and now we both have a clean kitchen--it is contagious, isn't it...LOL


  3. There is nothing nicer than a clean kitchen that also smells divine:-) Good for you!!! Tell you what...I'll go over and hold little Kevin while you clean the house...I miss having babies around and love holding them!! hehe Looking forward to seeing how you make those little mini pizzas:-) xox

  4. I cam across your blog. I have enjoyed it so much. You are so my new blog to check out often. Thanks for sharing your days.

    Mrs. Chrissy

  5. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I appreciate your sweet compliment.

    HAPPY belated Birthday!

  6. Wow, you were busy!! I think the cleaner you made was absolutely a wonderful idea and everything looked so beautiful and sparkly clean ~ not to mention how lovely it must have smelled;o) Great job!!!

  7. Oh dear... I DO need to wipe down all my appliances!!! I know what is on my "to do" list for tomorrow morning!!

    Mrs. U

  8. I can almost smell the freshness from here!


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