Good Morning to all!!! Happy, Happy Wednesday. What is everyone up to on this beautiful day? It is hot here in California--I think I have it a little cooler then a lot of people though---they say it is in the high 70's but it feels like it is in the 80's--my Dad lives over the Ortega's and it is HOT---in the 100's. I get tempted to turn the air on, but we have such high vaulted ceilings---I hate wasting all that money. I was going to pick up a new fan for Tony's room--his broke so he needs a new one, his room seems to stay the warmest, maybe because of the way it faces to the outside? Yes, my Tony is home---I had to run to the store last night, and pick up some coffee for my husband--Tony came with me, and as Tony was standing next to me, I felt so small--he is really getting tall--I can't believe my little boy that I held in my arms is sooo tall. I also picked up some Vanilla ice cream and some Magic shell---have you ever had magic shell? I loved that stuff when I was little----I got it for everyone else, I can't have any, the chocolate upsets Little Kevin.
Summer is coming to an end, and to be honest, I am not that big a fan of summer--except having my kids home with me. I really, really love fall---it is my favorite season---I don't know why, it just is. We are all ready for school--except for backpacks--I am going to let the kids pick them out one day soon. As for dinner, I should have picked something at the store last night, because I don't have a clue what to make tonight---hmmm, I will get back to you on that...I want all who stops by to have a wonderful day and hugs to you xoxoxox
P.S. Do any of you have Webkins?
I'm not a big fan of summer either, but here in Vancouver, the Canadians revel in it. We get rain all the rest of the year, so when the sun comes out and the temps get warm, everyone is thrilled. I must admit that I enjoy the sunshine, but not the high temps without AC. By high, I mean low 80s, which isn't high - unless you don't have AC! LOL
ReplyDeleteAll that to say . . . even though it starts raining again, I'm glad to see fall come. I lived in TX for 14 years - that's enough heat to last me the rest of my life! ;)
I don't like summer. It's SOOOOO hot!! But I do like that the days are so long. I don't like it when the sun is set by 6:00 in the winter. My perfect day would have the sun up by 6 AM and down by 9 PM.... but I can't WAIT for fall- my FAVORITE time of the year!!
Mrs. U
By the way, I am SOOO happy that your son is home!! Yay!! Now "home" seem smore ilke "home", doesn't it? :)
Mrs. U
I'm so glad that Tony is home, Julieann!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a huge fan of summer either and this hot weather is just awful. Fall is my favorite season too, I can't wait for it to arrive. :0)
What is webkins?
I am so happy your son is home.
ReplyDeleteI love the shell on ice cream. My dh is a big fan also. What are webkins?
ReplyDeleteHave you ever bought backpacks form L.L. Bean? They are guaranteed to last a lifetime and are virtually indestrucible. Plus they are stylish. Mine daughters have had theirs for years and they still look new.
My youngest daughter has a Webkins dolls....a tiger. She loves it and loves getting online to feed it and play with it!
ReplyDeleteHi Sonya----my daughter just got the Alley Cat at Hallmark--and just loves the games----
ReplyDeleteI have to say that is a great marketing tool--I would never have bought that cat for 12 dollars, but my daughter wanted the code so bad for the games--I am glad I did , the games are very nice and educational:) (I have played a game of two...LOL)
P.S. For anyone else reading, I spelled it wrong--it is Webkinz with a z at the end--OOps, sorry:)