Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

P.S.-->about the meme's

I was discussing meme's with a friend who blogs also--and it got me thinking:) I want to let everyone out there know that I appreciate so much that I was thought of with a meme. I will always try and play with time permitting and if it is an appropriate meme. Also, if I tag you, I want you to know, that I by all means will totally understand if you decline:) I, too also feel bad if someone feels left out, that would never be my attention--- so to those of you that want to play, I can't wait to read your answers and to those that decide to decline--that is okay too:)


  1. You're such a dear, Juliann! Always so kind and thoughtful. (o:


  2. I don't mind doing memes, and I enjoy reading them, but I don't usually tag specific people to do them. A lot of folks don't like to do them, so I just leave it open.

  3. ((Julieann)) You're such a sweetie! I know I've put off yours and Karen's tag -- not for any reason other than I'm at a loss to come up with anymore things about me since I just posted the 25 a couple of weeks ago - lol. I'm just *not* that exciting! :o)

    Now with going out of town this week, I'm so behind - I probably won't get to that tag. But I appreciate your thinking of me! :o) Hugs to you!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me